Risk-Avert is a UK wide award-winning school based programme giving young people the skills and confidence to make better choices when faced with issues such as:
online risks
negative body image
youth violence
poor mental health
unhealthy relationships
Risk-Avert also provides support for those with emotional health and well-being difficulties.
What makes Risk-Avert uniquely effective?
Whilst positive risk-taking is essential to healthy development, Risk-Avert explores ways of supporting children and young people in primary and secondary schools to identify, understand and manage negative risk-taking while improving their emotional health and well-being.
Risk-Avert does this through tailored programmes for Primary and Secondary schools. These are based on a unique approach that is evidence-based and independently evaluated. The programmes teach coping skills and strategies to build pupils' ability to make independent decisions for themselves, boosting their self-esteem, emotional health and well-being and resilience as a result.

A mindset shift: looking beyond the behaviour
The reasons why young people engage in risk-taking behaviours are complex.
Educating pupils only about what is risky is simply not enough. This is because we know that lack of information and knowledge are not the only issue. We understand how young brains are developing, why pupils make the decisions they make and the impact this can have on emotional health. This is why we focus on a targeted early intervention and prevention approach.

Risk-Avert does this through tailored programmes for Primary and Secondary schools. These are based on a unique approach that is evidence-based and independently evaluated. The programmes teach coping skills and strategies to build pupils' ability to make independent decisions for themselves, boosting their self-esteem, emotional health and wellbeing and resilience as a result.